A landlord has allegedly shot a military officer after the two engaged in a brawl.
The victim, a retired military officer, was shot at close range at a drinking spot in Srodae, a community in the Eastern regional Capital.
The landlord, whose name is yet to be identified is now at large.
The incident occurred Monday evening in Srodae.
The bar operator, in an interview with Starr News, said the suspect entered the bar and suddenly pulled a pistol to shoot the victim on the chest and took to his heels.
The victim, who was bleeding profusely, according to the eyewitness, was immediately rushed to the Koforidua government hospital.
The victim is reported to have incurred the wrath of the landlord believed to be in his 60's after he accused the landlord of defrauding unsuspecting tenants as he double rents his rooms to persons desperately in search for a place to stay.
It is not clear if the victim is a tenant.
Officers from the Criminal Investigations Department of the New Juaben Municipal Police Command moved to the crime scene to commence investigations into the incident while efforts are being made to arrest the suspect.
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