Ghanaian actor Kojo Nkansah popularly known as Lil Win has advised against violence before, during and after the 7 December polls saying violence is no respecter of persons.According to him, he is interested in peace because during electoral violence, celebrities too will not be spared.“When there is violence, nobody knows a celebrity, we will all be harmed that is why we are asking and preaching peace in the country,” he told DJ Premier on Entertainment Capital on Accra100.5FM on Saturday 3 December.The award-winning Kumawood actor who has declined endorsing any political party ahead of the December 7 polls said he did so to prevent losing a section of his fans.“People belonging to all political parties buy and watch my movies. So I want to remain neutral so I don’t lose any of them,” the Azonto Ghost actor noted.Lil Win advised the electorate to vote for their preferred candidate in peace. “God will decide the eventual winner and there will be no violence in the country,” he prayed.The actor is out with a single called Mama Boss Papa.
Dancehall artistes Samini and Shatta Wale officially ended their 10-year beef today at the Saminifest 2016 held at the Trade Fair Centre in Accra.
Controversial prophet, Isaac Owusu Bempah has launched a scathing attack on actress, Valentina Nana Agyeiwaa popularly known as Afia Schwarzenegger for claiming she used to be his pimp.
For more than a decade, Jack Chako, 38, has been living happily with her two husbands, Michael Hwita and Liford Chimoto, with whom she shares one bed.
The 22-year-old mason who allegedly strangled a seven-year-old girl to death and had sex with her, says he’s conscious and does not need any medical examination to determine his state of mind.
The Chief Executive Officer for Akuapim South District has been robbed at gunpoint. reported hours ago that TV and radio host, Afia Schwarzenegger will have her tradition wedding in Ghana today, December 3 in Accra.
Deputy Brong-Ahafo Regional Director of the Electoral Commission (EC), Charles Damoah, has cautioned political party agents and observers that EC will not hesitate to hand over any trouble maker to the security agencies during the polls on December 7.
Scores of New Patriotic Party supporters in Kumasi have besieged the Central Police Station over an alleged interception of thumb-printed ballot papers at a hotel in the Ashanti Region.
Communications Minister, Edward Omane Boamah, caused a stir on Saturday when he inadvertently called on party supporters to vote for the elephant on December 7.
Some security officers in the Tamale Central constituency in the Northern region have vandalised voting materials over their missing names on the second round of special voting.
A few months ago, I recounted how I rejected my maternal uncle’s appeal for some help towards the payment of his children school fees.