Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Shocking News...Hillary Clinton Barks Like A Dog

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The U.S President candidates has started chasing the opposition parties with  messages that look like a dog hunting for a rat in the bush.
Not really. But Clinton told a colorful story on Monday in Reno that ended with the former secretary of state barking like a dog.
Clinton was in the middle of a riff about how, in her view, Republicans say things that are not true, when she remembered a radio ad that she said ran in rural Arkansas while her husband, Bill Clinton, was running for office.
"(Republicans) actually, with a straight face, say that the great recession was caused by too much regulation on Wall Street. They actually say that," Clinton said.
"One of my favorite political ads of all time was a radio ad in rural Arkansas where the announcer said, 'Wouldn't it be great if somebody running for office said something, we could have an immediate reaction to whether it was true or not. Well, we have trained this dog. Well, the dog, if it is not true, he is going to bark,'" Clinton said. "And the dog was barking on the radio and so people were barking at each other for days after that."
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"I want to figure out how we can do that with Republicans. We need to get that dog and follow them around and every time they say these things like, 'Oh, the Great Recession was caused by too much regulation,' arh, arh, arh, arh," Clinton said, letting out a barking noise that caused the audience to laugh and some people to mimic her.
"I think," Clinton concluded, "we could cut right through a lot of their claims."

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